Education tokens (LEDU) are available for purchase from exchanges. This article will explain where to purchase LEDU tokens and the payment methods you may use. See also How to Buy Education Tokens (LEDU) on Dcoin, LATOKEN, Exrates, Livecoin, Mercatox and IDEX.
How to Buy
Education (LEDU) tokens can be bought on: DCoin, LATOKEN, Exrates, Livecoin, Mercatox and IDEX.
DCoin, LATOKEN, Exrates, Livecoin and Mercatox offer Education tokens (LEDU) with BTC and ETH pairs while IDEX offers LEDU tokens with ETH Pairs only.
If buying more than 250,000 LEDU then send an email to and we will connect you with our OTC trading partner.
Payment Methods
The following payment methods are typically available on the exchanges where LEDU is listed.
If you have ETH in a wallet then you can purchase Education tokens. If you don’t have ETH then you can purchase ETH on any exchange you prefer or convert Alt coins to ETH using Shapeshift.
If you have BTC in a wallet then you can purchase Education tokens. If you don’t have BTC then you can purchase BTC on any exchange you prefer or convert Alt coins to BTC using Shapeshift.
Convert your USD to ETH or BTC in order to purchase LEDU tokens.
4)Credit Card
If you don’t have ETH, BTC or USD then you can use your credit card to purchase ETH or BTC easily on and then use ETH or BTC to purchase LEDU tokens.
5)Cash/ PayPal/ Bank Transfer
If someone you know holds Education tokens and you wish to purchase them then you can give them cash or send them money using PayPal or Bank Transfer in return for tokens. This carries a risk and we do not recommend you do this unless you know the person well. (NEVER DO THIS WITH STRANGERS ONLINE).
Get LEDU Coin
Get LEDU coins now on Dcoin, LATOKEN, Exrates, Livecoin, Mercatox and IDEX or use the LEDU OTC Trading program for large purchases. Read more about LEDU coins on our project page and ask any questions you might have on our Twitter page.