Get deep LEDU liquidity and minimal market impact trading Large LEDU volumes without slippage.

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What is LEDU OTC Program?

LEDU OTC trading program is one of the ways of trading LEDU coins outside of the exchanges. LEDU OTC program, also called LEDU Over The Counter Offering, is a setup where traders approach each other to buy and sell directly. However, it is specially meant for large trades between institutions and high net-worth individuals. Through the LEDU OTC program, we offer deeper liquidity and a private, more personalized service to traders trading large LEDU volumes. LEDU traders can trade in bulk and at no cost compared to exchange rates and fees. Also, unlike trading LEDU on exchanges, there is no need for slippage fees.

Terms and Eligibility

  1. The minimum LEDU OTC trade is 250,000 LEDU tokens.
  2. Only LEDU supported wallets are allowed.

How to participate in the LEDU OTC Program

    It is pretty easy to participate in the LEDU OTC program. Here are the steps:

  1. The minimum LEDU OTC order size is 250,000 LEDU tokens
    Locate your OTC partner by emailing us at to connect with LEDU OTC partners. Remember to include “OTC trading” in the subject line when making your LEDU OTC request.
  2. Decide the amount of LEDU coins to trade
    Having connected with a LEDU OTC Partner, the trader’s LEDU OTC trading starts by deciding the amount of LEDU to trade. However, traders can trade at least 250,000 LEDU on the LEDU OTC program.
  3. Fund your trading account
    After connecting with an OTC partner, proceed to fund the OTC partner’s account for an equivalent number of LEDU coins willing to buy or sell. Note; there are no mediation charges attached.
  4. Make purchase
    Make or receive payments according to the number of LEDU you are trading. Start by sending your LEDU wallet address if you are a buyer.
  5. Confirm LEDU trades
    At this stage, a trader is required to receive and confirm LEDU on the submitted address. Check for a confirmation email, followed by your wallet to ensure you received the LEDU token.